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You can traverse the AST using the traverse function

const { traverse } = require('estree-toolkit'); traverse(ast, visitors, state);

As you can see traverse function takes three arguments - ast, visitors, state.

  • ast: <ESTree.Node> You would pass the AST that you want to traverse. As you may have guessed, the AST has to be ESTree compliant.

  • visitors: <Visitors> An JavaScript object containing node type as its keys and a visitor as its value. If you want same visitor for more than one node type then you have to separate them using | (pipe symbol).

  • state: <any> This can be anything that can store state in it, preferably an JavaScript object. This would get passed to the visitor function, and the visitor function can modify it.


Visitors is just a JavaScript object containing any node type as its key and visitor as its value.

// Base const visitors = { <Node type>: <Visitor function for the node type> } // Eg. const visitors = { Identifier() {}, Literal() {}, Program() {}, // more visitors... }


Visitor can be a function or an object containing enter and leave function.

// A single function const visitors = { Identifier() { /* Gets called when the traverser enters an Identifier node */ } } // An object containing enter and leave functions const visitors = { Identifier: { enter() { /* Gets called when the traverser enters an Identifier node */ }, leave() { /* Gets called when the traverser leaves an Identifier node */ } } } // Basically this is const visitors = { Identifier() { ... } } // same as - const visitors = { Identifier: { enter() { ... } } }

Visitor function

Visitor function is the function that gets called when the traverser enters or leaves a node

const visitors = { // This is our visitor function Identifier(path, state) => {} } const visitors = { Identifier: { // `enter` and `leave` both are visitor function enter(path, state) {}, leave(path, state) {} } }

You would get two parameters in visitor function - path and state

  • path: <NodePath> This would be a NodePath for the node that the traverser is currently traversing.

  • state: <any> This would be the state that has been passed to the traverse function. See this for more information.

Also, if your function is bindable (not an arrow function), you would have access to the visitor context using this keyword. Visitor context includes a special stop method, that you can use to completely stop the traversal.

const visitors = { Identifier(path, state) { this // <-- `this` is the visitor context this.stop() // would stop the traversal } }


You can pass options to the traverse function, by attaching options object to $ key in the visitors object.

const options = { scope: true, validateNodes: true } traverse(ast, { $: options, // <-- This is how you pass traverse options Literal() {}, // ... and other visitors });

For now, therese are the available options

  • scope: <boolean> If scope tracking should be enabled.

  • validateNodes: <boolean> If the new nodes should be validated, when new nodes are inserted into the AST. Generally, you wouldn't need it, but if your AST uses modified nodes then you may need to disable node validation.

  • cloneFunction: <(node: any) => any> Function which will be used to clone nodes (basically JS objects) using NodePath.cloneNode. Cloning should be deep cloning and not shallow cloning. By default it uses structuredClone. Also check this out for learning more about why is it important to clone a node.


Basic traversal

This is what you would need in most cases

const ast = { type: 'ExpressionStatement', expression: { type: 'ArrayExpression', elements: [ { type: 'Identifier', name: 'a' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'b' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'c' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'd' } ] } } traverse(ast, { Identifier(path) { // `path` is the NodePath object of the currently traversing node console.log('Name is -',; } });
Name is - a Name is - b Name is - c Name is - d

Sharing a visitor function between two node types

You can share a visitor with two or more node types using this shorthand syntax, simply by separating them with |

  • Code + Output
  • AST input
  • AST
const ast = { /* Check AST tab */ } traverse(ast, { 'FunctionDeclaration|FunctionExpression|ArrowFunctionExpression': (path) => { console.log(path.type + ':'); path.node.params.forEach((param) => { if (param.type === 'Identifier') { console.log(; } }); console.log(); } });
FunctionDeclaration: a b c FunctionExpression: e f g ArrowFunctionExpression: h i j

Passing states

You can use states for more abstract code. Using states you can increase reusability of your code.

const ast1 = { type: 'ExpressionStatement', expression: { type: 'ArrayExpression', elements: [ { type: 'Identifier', name: 'a' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'b' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'c' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'd' } ] } } const ast2 = { type: 'ExpressionStatement', expression: { type: 'ArrayExpression', elements: [ { type: 'Identifier', name: 'e' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'f' } ] } } const visitors = { Identifier(path, state) { // `state` is the state that has been passed in the `traverse` function state.count++; state.names.push(; } } const data1 = { count: 0, names: [] } const data2 = { count: 0, names: [] } traverse(ast1, visitors, data1); traverse(ast2, visitors, data2); console.log(data1); console.log(data2); // Yay! We didn't have to write `visitors` two times. // Just using states, we have increased our code's reusability.
{ count: 4, names: [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ] } { count: 2, names: [ 'e', 'f' ] }

Stopping traversal

You can stop the traversal using visitor context's stop method.

Your function has to be bindable. It won't work if it's not.
Bindable example
const visitors = { Literal() { this // { stop() {...} } } }
Not bindable example
const visitors = { Literal: () => { this // unknown, can be anything } }
const ast = { type: 'ExpressionStatement', expression: { type: 'ArrayExpression', elements: [ { type: 'Identifier', name: 'a' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'b' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'c' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'd' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'e' }, { type: 'Identifier', name: 'f' } ] } } traverse(ast, { Identifier(path) { console.log(; if ( === 'c') { this.stop(); console.log('Stopped!'); } } });
a b c Stopped!
If you call stop() at enter visitor function, the consequent leave visitor function would not get called.